Friday, June 6, 2014


A pastor's wife... who liked being a pastor's wife. And who learned  that financial problems.. no matter how desperate.. are something God knows about and cares about. Be comforted today.

If someone had told me when I was a little girl that when I grew up I would marry a pastor, I would have thought "What in the world are you talking about?"  I can remember thinking "I wonder where the man that I am going to marry is living right now.  Where in this United States does he live?"  God knew at that time  there was a little brown-eyed boy living in Oklahoma
that would grow up and would one day hear the still small voice of God speak to his heart about the gospel ministry.  I grew up in Indiana.  We met in college, fell in love and were married after he graduated.  

      I have loved being the wife of a pastor.  I would not change that for the world.  I can say that it has been the most exciting and most challenging role I have ever had and I have loved every minute of it....(or at least most of them).  I think back and believe that my mother thought at the time we married that I would be like a lot ministers wives she had seen through the years.    No money for anything, just "pregnant and barefooted".  Well, I was pregnant 5 times but was never barefoot!  It seems we never had enough money but God always met our need in ways that were unbelievable as I am sure He has for many of you.  

Early in our first pastorate in Kansas our pantry was bare.  Literally down to hardly anything to eat  The comment was made one morning by my husband that wouldn't it be nice to have one hundred dollars to just go to the store and fill up our pantry.  This was in 1961.  Little did we know that very day a letter would come from a friend that I formerly worked with with a check in it for $100.00.  She said the Lord just laid it upon her heart to send it.  I  jumped into our little car and went to the church to show my hubby.  He was in his study when I walked in and said "Guess What?"....and laid the letter and check in front of him. There was an exciting trip to the grocery that day.   This was only one of the countless times God has met our need financially down through the years.   Whatever your need, God can and will meet that need.   Trust Him!  He uses people just like you and me to meet the needs of others.   May I ever be willing to be used of God.
     My husband has retired now after 40+ years as senior pastor.  We served in Michigan, Kansas, Texas and Colorado.  We are still ministering to people as God opens doors for us to do that.  Believe me, we stay busy in that respect.  Do I still "love it"?  You bet!  After almost 56 years of marriage I still love him!  :)   I wouldn't change a thing.


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